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- Join Us | Bernardsville Library Foundation
Join Us The Bernardsville Library Foundation is made up of residents of Bernardsville and surrounding towns, who support the Bernardsville Public Library and believe strongly in the mission of the Foundation. We are always looking for new members who can help us raise funds for the library. To find out more about membership in the Bernardsville Library Foundation or to volunteer, please complete the form below. Thank you for supporting the Bernardsville Public Library. First Name Last Name Email Subject: Please select Type Your Message Here Send Thank you for submitting!
- Support Us | Bernardsville Library Foundation
Support Us Please Support Us There are many ways to support the Bernardsville Library Foundation. Donations to the Endowment are carefully invested to ensure that library operations will be supported for generations to come. Donations to the Annual Appeal go into our General Fund which helps support current library operations. Since 2011, the Foundation has granted $800,000 to the Bernardsville Public Library to close the gap between public funding and actual library operations. Broadway Package/ Golf Outing/ Bernards Inn Raffle Tickets will be mailed to all Bernardsville residents in June. Tickets will be available to purchase for $100 per ticket. The winning ticket will be pulled at the end of September. 50/50 Raffle runs from June through September 23. A book of five 50/50 Raffle Tickets will be mailed to all Bernardsville and Far Hills households. 50/50 Raffle Tickets are $10 each and may also be purchased at the Bernardsville Farmers Market and Starbucks on Saturdays through the summer months. Library Giving Day , is an annual one-day fundraising effort, held each April, that raises gifts for the Foundation's General Fund. This year's Library Giving Day will be held on Wednesday, April 3, 2024. We hope to raise $24,500 that day to help close the 2024 gap in municipal funding. Planned Giving, also known as Legacy Giving, is a way to secure the future of the Bernardsville Public Library by supporting this institution in your estate planning. Volunteer - The Bernardsville Library Foundation is always on the lookout for volunteers to help us with our annual event, marketing, technology, and to join our Board of Trustees. To speak to one of our board members about the many volunteer opportunities we have, please email us: . Your support, in any way you choose to give, is greatly appreciated! Thank you for supporting the library! Email: Phone: 908-766-0118 (Ext. 14) Registered Charity EIN#: 27-4485942 Annual Appeal Endowment Library Giving Day Planned Giving Volunteer
- Annual appeal donation | Bernardsville Library Foundation
Annual Appeal The Bernardsville Library Foundation was formed in 2011, with the purpose of raising private funding for the town's public library. Each spring the Bernardsville Library Foundation sends an Annual Appeal a letter to every household in Bernardsville, requesting support of the General Fund or the Endowment. A donation to the General Fund will help the Foundation raise $24,500, the amount needed to close the gap between public funding and actual library operations in 2024. You may choose to support our Endowment, which is currently valued at over $650,000. The Foundation has a goal of building a $2.5 Million dollar endowment by 2028. Donate The Bernardsville Library Foundation is a 501 (C) 3 charitable organization whose Tax ID# (EIN) is 27-4485942.
- Financials | Bernardsville Library Foundation
Our Foundation Financials The Bernardsville Library Foundation has a fiduciary responsibility to ensure that all donations and gifts to the Foundation are used for the purposes intended by the donor(s). We take this responsibility seriously. To ensure the efficient use of private funding, the Foundation has established a Financial Committee and an Investment Committee to: Provide financial oversight for the accounting, management and investment of all funds. Establish an internal management control system. Review and approve an annual operating and budget before presenting it to the Foundation Board of Trustees for adoption. Monitor the use of restricted funds and establish spending policies for all resources. 2024 Bernardsville Library Foundation Investment Committee: Jamie Bertoni, Chair Patrice O. Cummings Debbie Heimerl Michael Myers Since 2011, the Bernardsville Library Foundation has granted $800,000 to the Bernardsville Public Library to close the gap between public funding and the cost of Library operations. In the same time period, the Bernardsville Library Foundation has raised $848,772.90 (as of 12/31/2024) in Endowment. The Foundation Board of Trustees is grateful to the citizens of Bernardsville and to all our generous donors for their continued support of the Bernardsville Library Foundation. The Bernardsville Library Foundation IRS 990 Forms: IRS 990 Form 2023 IRS 990 Form 2022 IRS 990 Form 2021 IRS 990 Form 2020 IRS 990 Form 2019 IRS 990 Form 2018 IRS 990 Form 2017 IRS 990 Form 2016 IRS 990 Form 2015 IRS 990 Form 2014 IRS 990 Form 2013 IRS 990 Form 2012 IRS 990 Form 2011
- Home | Bernardsville Library Foundation
Library Giving Day is Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024 The Trustees of the Bernardsville Library Foundation gratefully thank all the many library patrons and Foundation supporters to gave so generously to our 2024 Library Giving Day campaign. Thanks to you, we raised $15,824! This money will be awarded to the Bernardsville Public Library as part of a $24,500 grant from the Bernardsville Library Foundation, to close the 2024 municipal budget gap. Thank you! Your financial support enables the Bernardsville Public Library to continue to offer wonderful programs for children, teens and adults, as well as a catalogue of over 3 million titles through the library's membership in the Main Library Alliance (a consortium of 51 libraries in New Jersey). Your support means that the doors of the Bernardsville Public Library will be open to serve the citizens of Bernardsville, and will serve as a shelter in times of emergency. Your support means that our terrific Bernardsville Library staff will continue to offer excellent service to library patrons. In particular, the Foundation wishes to acknowledge and thank the 15 generous families and individuals who collectively raised $7,500 for a matching gift incentive for Library Giving Day 2024. They are: Donna Baier Stein, The Kirkpatrick Baird Family, Jack and Michelle Burke, Tom and Patrice Cummings, Michael and Susan Gouldin, The Hennessy Family, Mark and Therese Krook, John and Polly La Duc, Ernest and Veronica Larini, Ken and Shikha Mayer, Daniel and Janet Murnick, Greg and Wendy Supron, Craig and Nancy Verduin, Richard and Pat Vieser, and one anonymous donor. Through your constant and continued support of the Bernardsville Library Foundation, we are able to fulfill our mission of serving the Bernardsville Public Library. Thank you! Donate Now! Thank you Bernardsville!! Bernardsville Library Foundation Our Foundation Building Community Support Us Join Us! The Bernardsville Library Foundation is an all-volunteer nonprofit charitable organization whose fundraising efforts help maintain the excellent programs, books, music, movies, television programs, magazines and E-books offered to the citizens of Bernardsville and surrounding communities.
- Our Foundation | Bernardsville Library Foundation
Our Foundation Mission and Vision Board Members Meeting Dates Financials
- Location | Bernardsville Library Foundation
Building Community LIBRARY HOURS Mon – Wed: 10 am – 8 pm Thursday: 10 am – 5 pm Friday: 10 am – 5 pm Saturday: 10 am – 2 pm Sunday: 1 pm – 5 pm Building/ location The Bernardsville Library, located in the heart of downtown Bernardsville, NJ, is a designated emergency shelter for members of the community in times of power outages and natural disasters such as Super Storm Sandy. Meeting and conference rooms are available for community use. The Library offers safe, well-lit study and tutoring space for students.
- Resources | Bernardsville Library Foundation
Building Community Resources Library Resources Membership in MAIN Library Alliance, a consortium of 50 public libraries in New Jersey offering our library patrons access to over 3 million titles. Books, audiobooks, magazines, newspapers, movies, and tv programs available to borrow Downloadable books, audiobooks, Craftsy, Crafts en Espanol, Indieflix, Quello Concerts, and The Great Courses Library collection, are available to borrow online via LIBBY. Downloadable books, audiobooks, music, movies and TV shows are available to borrow via Hoopla Computers, laptops and Chromebooks are available at the library for patron usage Access to printers.
- Events | Bernardsville Library Foundation
Building Community Events Author lectures Bookbags for book clubs (8 books of the same title with discussion notes and topics) Bridge Evening book club and daytime Memoirs & Coffee book club Access to the Local History Room
- Home | Bernardsville Library Foundation
In memory of Terry A. Thompson The Board of Trustees of the Bernardsville Library Foundation extends its deepest sympathy to the family of Terry Armstrong Thompson, who passed away, peacefully on Thursday, April 13. Terry Thompson was a dear friend and a loyal patron of the Bernardsville Library. Terry joined the Friends of the Bernardsville Library soon after moving to Bernardsville in the mid-1980s. Terry was then appointed to serve on the Board of Trustees of the Bernardsville Library, and did so for many years, serving for a time as Board Secretary and as President of the Library Board. In 2010, Terry was instrumental in establishing the Bernardsville Library Foundation. She spent many hours helping to interview and establish the inaugural group of trustees and officers of the Foundation. As a lawyer, Terry was incredibly helpful in structuring the mission and bylaws of the organization. Terry generously donated the seed money to help get the Bernardsville Library Foundation started on its mission of fundraising for the Bernardsville Public Library. Terry’s devotion to the town of Bernardsville, and in particular to the Bernardsville Public Library, was unmatched. She will be dearly missed by the trustees of the Bernardsville Library Foundation.
- Home | Bernardsville Library Foundation
Bernardsville Library Foundation Our Foundation Building Community Support Us Join Us! The Bernardsville Library Foundation is an all-volunteer nonprofit charitable organization whose fundraising efforts help maintain the excellent programs, books, music, movies, television programs, magazines and E-books offered to the citizens of Bernardsville and surrounding communities.
- Board Members | Bernardsville Library Foundation
Our Foundation Board Members Foundation Board Officers: Patrice O'Regan Cummings, Chair Shikha Mayer, Vice Chair Anne Reilly, Secretary Michael Myers, Treasurer Foundation Trustees: Jamie Bertoni Karen Brodsky Bridget Burke Madelyn English Debbie Heimerl Veronica (Roni) Larini Justin Lynch Colleen Mason Foundation Honorary Trustees: Dr. Eva Bostek-Brady Leslie Brown-Witt Joan Contess Janet Cooperman Dr. Julia Johnson Dr. Neill Johnson Ed Landis Kathleen Palmer Peter Palmer Judith Sutton Jennifer Van Beveren The Bernardsville Library Foundation is made up of residents of Bernardsville and surrounding towns, who support the Bernardsville Public Library and believe strongly in the mission of the Foundation. We are always looking for new members who can help us raise funds for the library. To find out more about membership in the Bernardsville Library Foundation, please contact us at . Thank you for supporting the Bernardsville Public Library.